Mazovian Stakeholders of Homelessness – Regional Network
In 2012 CMSA started to facilitate an informal network of stakeholders of homelessness and housing exclusion in Mazovia Region. To us stakeholders are people and institutions who can affect or are affected by policy or problem of homelessness and housing exclusion. We observe that many important stakeholders remain inactive – we want to awaken them and make them realize how much they can do for the case. We try to do this by promoting research based information and cooperation. We started from organizing Mazovian Seminar of Stakeholders in December 2012 and we continue by supporting two local seminars in Szczypiorno and in Płock in 2013. We use ETHOS 2008 typology to show the importance of holistic approach to homelessness as well as we put emphasis on participation. Facilitating the MSH network is an important element of our Advocacy Strategy: Research, Networking and Transparency. MSH is present on Facebook under the name of Mazowieccy Interesariusze Bezdomności. You are welcome to join or at least like us!